Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sweet November

It's hard to imagine that the entire month is over! It was so BUSY! Just nuts! But I'm sure that's what added to the fleeting feeling of November 2010. I picked up a 2nd job at Old Navy as part of one of my "Always wanted to try that" things. Let's just say it's a lot harder than it looks! I'm only on the roster until the end of the holiday season so I'm going to ride it out until then.

The early weeks were jam packed with YW in Excellence for Jigz and Audrey's birthday planning. Then came this years Thanksgiving pie sales and the actual Thanksgiving holiday. Whew! Now that it's reflection time, I'm pretty proud of everyone for the way things came together at EVERY event! As with most things, not one person could do it alone. I wish I could've blogged about each event individually. But since I couldn't, I'll lay it all out right here. LOL To spare you a weeks worth of reading, I'll give you more pictures than descriptions. :-)

First things first - YW in Excellence

This is one of the value display tables. They all looked so nice!Some of the girlsJigz family tree chartHer actual TreeThe pot for her "tree" it was nice!
I enjoyed the program and I'm sure it was a boost to get the girls working on their personal progress.

That very weekend was Audrey's party. What a "SWEET" get together that was! I'll spare you all of the millions of pictures because you can view them on FB. But here are just a few so you get the overall idea. I LOVED the theme and thanks to sissy Salomay and good company from Tasha and Sia (who were working on the candy decorations) the cake ended up looking pretty good! Of course it was a team effort lead by Audrey's mama Tasha to get everything up and ready so kudos to all the sissy's who worked together to make it happen for our Audrey Love.

Lollipop and Gumdrop centerpiecesAudrey's "Sweet Factory" Candy TableAudrey and her Mama TashaGumball Machine FavorsBirthday Cake

Then came the pie making for the Elders and their pie sale. It was some work! Thank goodness the boys were actually really helpful! Maybe a little more than I expected. LOL Eric and Hola came to help so with 4 guys total we were able to get all 90 pies cooked in just under 20 hours. We started Tuesday morning at 10am and topped our last pie at 4:30am. They're some GOOFBALLS! But what do you expect with that many dorky guys? LOL I'll add a few extra pics here because they asked me not to upload to FB. LOL They raised over $700!!! Not bad!

Prepping banana cream pieOnly GUYS would think to do an egg shotGROSS!Peach Cobbler before bakingBanana CreamAll wrapped and ready to go!Cook that puddingChocolate, Coconut and Banana CreamEven Luvie HelpedAssembly Line Time!Their very first pickups! Thanks Ni and Kalo!!!Cool guys got me a gift to show their appreciation! Sweet right? Well Osi is the one who actually got it before heading over the day they delivered all their pies. It was lipgloss and a cute bag - they know me too well!

After all that baking came the random shots. LOL They were such dorks BUT it helped to keep things lively at 4am.

Hola doing the pose that he says girls do all the time. LOL
They're re-enacting a pose we did with the girls like 10 years ago.CHEEZY!!Osi showing off his apronPeace signs and pucker lipsEric showing off his heart.I joined the fun every once in a whileHola scaring the turtle pie LOLMarky Bo is a cool guy What time is it?!?!What are you guys teaching my baby!?!?!

And FINALLY it was Thanksgiving day! Original plans to combine with the entire Unga clan fell through because of just how DEEP everyone is. So instead of a HUGE thanksgiving we had our regular BIG one with the tradition of lighting xmas lights after dinner. Food was good, company was good and sleep was the BEST! LOL Nia and her little family came by too but we didn't get any fliccs! Here are a couple Thanksgiving day shots no descriptions needed.:-)

Overall this November was jam packed with FUN! I enjoyed every minute of it and most importantly I'm THANKFUL for those who make life exciting and worth all of the struggles that come. I couldn't imagine things any other way.

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