Papa was the introduction into parenthood for both Siua and I. My poor baby had to train us. While at the time I knew I was doing what I thought was best for my son, now I cringe at the thought of some of the things I chose to do. It's funny how your memory allows you to look back at yourself and wonder "What the heck was I thinking?" I didn't make any mistakes that a normal new mom wouldn't make. But after spending 7whole years with Papa and with the addition of my other kiddies, I can't help but look back and wish I could change a thing or two.
I had the HARDEST pregnancy with Papa! No joke! There was constant morning sickness which led to several hospitalizations because of dehydration; gall stones which led to surgery half way through the pregnancy; hard financial times because I was so sick that I couldn't work and the worst to top it all off - the unexpected death of Siua's dad just 2 months before my due date. Talk about a roller coaster ride! With the addition of raging hormones I was a hot mess. A rambling, crying, gagging, dehydrated hott mess of a prego lady. I swore through it all that I was never having another baby.
Then, December 13Th came. I wasn't due until the 23rd so I wasn't expecting it to be an eventful day. We spent several hours of that afternoon walking up and down union square in SF window shopping and looking for Christmas gifts. I had back pain but after enduring 9 months of every other kind of pain, that was manageable. After getting home and laying down for bed my water broke. At first I didn't even know what was happening. I called Siua to get the car, called my mom and sister to let them know, then we rushed to Alta Bates.
In the labor and delivery room they wheeled me up while I was in the worst pain. I kept telling them how bad it was and being that I was a "first timer" they told me to relax because I had a long way to go. Just as soon as the nurse came in to check they rushed me into a room after realizing that I was already dilated 9cm. Even in all that pain I still felt like saying "HA! Moded, I told you it was bad." LMBO Before my mom, Kris or anyone else could arrive, my Papa was born just an hour after my water broke. My little man gave me the easiest labor and delivery to make up for the brutal 9 months. :-) He was originally going to be named Joshua (we even have a card from Nia who visited us in the hospital and she addressed it to "Baby Joshua Nisa" lol) but because Papa was the first grandson and he was born 2 months to the day after Siua's dad died, Siua's aunty Meta named him after his grandpa, Kineleti Nisa.
Ever since then he's been an absolute breeze! Just the sweetest most kind hearted little human being. He surprises me all the time with his little quirks because it's completely unexpected from someone so young. I don't want to ramble on and on because I know it can get annoying. I don't want to be that parent that talks endlessly about how great his/her child is. But I will say that it has been such a pleasure to be a mommy to Papa, Joshy and Luvie. I couldn't possibly have done as much for him as he has done for me in these short years. I love him more than he will ever know- endlessly, unconditionally and whole heartedly. My baby is growing up and I couldn't be more proud of him already.
Snapshots of my Papa Man

happy birthday to your papa!!!
ReplyDeleteyour a wonderful writer and i feel as though i've known you forever lol im sure you have a great party planned out for your birthday boy your very creative and a great parrty planner.
you make being a mommy and a career woman, with a church calling look so easy :) keep up the good work im sure your being blessed in many ways.
<3 nane
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ReplyDeleteWell aren't you just the best at makin' a gal feel special!?! THANK YOU! Easy it is not BUT it's totally worth it! Time flies when you're having fun and work is easy when it's something you love! Thanks again my dear! <3
ReplyDeleteOh and hello, you have known me forever! I just haven't had the pleasure of actually talking to you until recently! You know one of those know "of" you kinda things! LOL Whatever the case, thank you for your sweet comments always!