Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bucket List 2011

Yup, I've decided I'm going to create a bucket list. I'm not sure if that's even accurate considering I don't plan on "kickin' the bucket" but I don't like saying resolutions because in the past, those haven't worked out as well as I would have liked. Hello, have you seen me in a size 14 this year? Yeah, that was last years resolution. LOL But more importantly I'd like to focus on what I am doing instead of knocking myself for what I don't do.

Last Sunday night I was up a little late making goodies to send off to Elders Faaumu and Tuihalangingie. It was then that I decided I should make it a more regular thing to give goodies to good people. It doesn't have to be just the elders! Everyone should get a care package every once in a while. Those of you who are lucky enough to be in my contacts (LOL @ lucky!) know that several times a month you get a "giveaway" text. This month I have been the buziest baking beezy (LOL) so there are more than just the occasional giveaways. I bake TONS of things TOO OFTEN and no one in my house needs, wants or should finish it all! So I simply give it away. Sometimes it's to the first person who replies. Other times it's to the one who can answer a question or list whatever random thing I've asked. Whatever the case, it's the act of giving that I enjoy. So regular GIVING is for sure going to be on next years list. (Side note-If you're not on my contacts, send me your number!)

In March of this year I decided I was going to "Pay it Forward" to people randomly each month. It didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but I managed to get a few things out. I'm going to continue that in 2011 and see if I can do a better job at meeting my deadlines. I'm not going to reveal all of my plans just yet. Instead I'll save it and go for a dramatic effect in the end. ;-)

I'll think more about what to put on next years bucket list and post it before this month is up. I'm open for suggestions too! I SOOO need some self improvement! I'm excited to dive in and shake things up. Once I think more about a list I'll post it. Until then - HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

My FAVE holiday card to date-


  1. hi ane,
    you did an absolutely great job at paying it forward i was indeed grateful for the thoughtful gift you gave my family and i, we have the mantle display in our livingroom for all 2 see and whatS even more crazy is it matches our decor lol we've gotten so many compliments on it so thank you so much for sharing your talents with my family and i and of course the baked goodies they are always sooo yummy and PERFECT :) btw add me to your contact list lol 650-776-2812 celly email addy :)

  2. Consider your self added to the list. Now prepare to be annoyed by the texts this month! There are a million it seems! LOL I'm so glad you made good use of my little wanna be plaque! I'll have to try that one again so you guys can get a new and improved version. LOL Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments missy! Take good care! Lots of love! Ahn
