Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bitter? Jealous? Envious? HONORED.

This Saturday my brother had the opportunity to experience something that I have yet to encounter. Markybo received his endowments and entered into the Oakland temple. While I knew I was endlessly proud of his accomplishments, I couldn't help but shake the feeling of being inadequate. I am the oldest of all of my siblings and to date, four of the younger ones have been able to make their way into the temple. I've been there to hear about how much peace they find and how spiritually uplifted they are. But for some reason, I'm just not ready.

When Mark began taking temple classes I was approached about taking the same classes along with him. For the first time, I started to think about actually doing it! The thought of experiencing something so huge for the first time with my little brother was kinda cool. It was either do it now with Markybo, do it alone or wait another couple years to see IF Siua would ever get to the point of taking that step. It was a lot to think about! In the end I decided that even if it meant that I would be alone, I would do it on my own time. It's not something I could rush into. I'd like to believe that once I enter into the temple I will have a solid understanding of my beliefs, unwavering faith and a firm grasp on my testimony of the gospel. That I would be strong enough to withstand all of the temptation that would come my way. I know it's coming, but I'm just not there yet.

So I went along with my "outsiders" crew - sisters Jigz, Salomay and Lani. Thank goodness for them! We waited anxiously for a few minutes and smiled proudly with the camera in hand as the "insiders" made their way out. After I hugged my little brother and congratulated him, I realized that there was no reason to even question myself and why I happen to be one of the "late bloomers". I'm HONORED to be able to participate in celebrating the accomplishment with all of my siblings. Then when it's time, I'll be there and lucky for me because by then I'm sure EVERYONE can come inside too! LOL

Snapshots from that morning at the Oakland Temple.
Purple was the color of the day. LOL
Joshy was the only one of my kids who woke up early enough to attend
MarkyBo coming out.
George, Me, Markybo and Bill
Markybo and LJ who also got his endowments that day. They are both leaving for their missions soon.
Marky Bo, Bishop Fonua and LJ
Me and my "oldest" child. LOL
LJ and his Mama Seni
Kris coming out.
The parentals with Vita Kioa
They had their own private photo shoot. LOL
One of my FAVES! Told you it was a photo shoot. HA!
Group Flic!
Gotta love the two besties.
The "outsiders" table. LOL


  1. Awwwwww I absolutely LOVE this entry!!!! You're gettin me all emotional over here! I know exactly how you feel. I am a firm believer of everything happening for a reason. Our HF has a plan for each of us. Whether we understand certain things or not, like our younger brothers goin in before us, I'm pretty sure it's part of his plan!!! Thank you for your wonderful examples as ALWAYS!!!! Love you Sweets xoxo

  2. Oh don't get emtotional Salomay! LOL We'll both boohoo and cry like babies! HAHA I'm with you, we all have our own little plan. :-) Love ya tons hunnay!
