Monday, December 27, 2010


Christmas 2010 is officially over! While I had a difficult day at work (hence the last post) I allowed myself to vent, move on and get over it before it affected anything at home. Whew! I even toyed with the idea of erasing the post all together because I was such a Debbie Downer (LOL) but I changed my mind once I thought about how I wanted to make sure this was REAL...good, bad and ugly! I'll post pictures and such from Christmas soon since my hubby got me a new CAMERA!!! Turns out the cool guy actually reads this blog! HA! THANK YOU Babes!

So here's to the last week of more Debbie Downer here!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Don't bite the hand that feeds you...

Just having one of THOSE days. We all have 'em! Ever feel like you're only good enough when someone needs you for something? Then once you've done what they want you're back to the "people I would do without if I had my way" list? It gets old...really quickly. What's even worse it that it's COMPLETELY obvious! Grrrr. I couldn't fathom the thought of treating anyone that way. That's exactly why I'm going to grin, bare it AND be ready to do what I should next time too. In the end who's gonna lose? YOU for spending all of that time in complete negativity.

Monday, December 20, 2010

"Yup, just one gift."

A conversation I overheard between Papa and Joshua this weekend -

Joshua: "Papa guess what mommy said, we're only getting ONE Christmas gift on Christmas."

Papa: "I know she told me already."

Joshua: "That sucks huh, I want a lotta gifts."

Papa: "Yeah but that's not what Christmas is about, it's about giving."

I kid you not, that is EXACTLY what Papa said. Lome can tell you cause he told her the same thing yesterday! LOL But seriously, that made me want to switch the original plan and buy the boy whatever his heart desired.

In previous years we've had MOUNTAINS of gifts for all of the kids. One from all the aunts/uncles, grandparents, parents, friends etc. Here is a picture from Christmas 2008-

This year we (as in the whole Washington St. clan) decided to scale back A LOT. I couldn't help but feel ashamed after realizing how unnecessary it was becoming. We were focusing too much on the materialistic things and not enough on the "reason for the season". Obviously I wanted my kids and siblings to have the best Christmas possible. I wanted these amazing Christmas mornings to be embedded in their memories forever. After a couple of years of breaking my back (and our bank!) trying to fulfill my own idea of what Christmas should be, I realized that we were doing everyone a huge disservice. I didn't have huge piles of gifts growing up, I never got the latest or greatest. One year I remember getting a Sega game system. THAT was the best Christmas ever but there was a catch. The Sega was the only gift for all of us siblings that year. Just the one Sega system and the Sonic the Hedgehog game. But we weren't complaining! It still sticks out as one of the best Christmas's ever!

So why was I trying to overdo it as an adult? As hard as it is, I'm sticking to the rule and just getting gifts for the two kids I picked this year. I would LOVE to get something for my younger sisters to show my appreciation and it's so hard to resist the cute outfit on sale for Kylee or the hat that I know Bruh Bruh Hati would love. But it's the idea of them being humble, down to earth, truly appreciative kids that sticks out to me now more than before. Not that they aren't all amazingly appreciative, humble and down to earth. But with a few more years of gift mountains, that could easily change. They don't need everything on their wish list. I couldn't get it all if I tried. What they really need is to learn the most basic lesson that Papa loves to repeat. It's not about what you get, it's more about what you give.

So when Joshy called me to confirm one more time that it was really true, I happily answered "Yup, just one gift Joshy". One material gift that is. He still has no idea about the lifelong gift that he is getting in the form of a lesson this year. He can stare long and hard at the pictures from Christmas' before, that'll be the last mountain of gifts he'll ever see on Christmas morning.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Back to that list...

Okay, just a little less than 2 weeks until 2010 is over. Can you believe it? I can't believe how quickly this year flew past! It was super busy, incredible trying but amazingly rewarding. Now I just need to make an attempt at a few improvements for next year. This is the list I've come up with.

-Make more time for family. I always manage to overload my schedule!
-Go on at least one family activity a month.
-Have one "date night" a month & each time must be different than previous dates. Dinner and a movie gets old after 3 in a row! LOL
-Cut all cursing out of my lingo. I have such a potty mouth sometimes!
-Get to work on time. Every day. Period.
-Work at least 3 months without a single sick day or vacation day.
-Do one random good deed a month.
-Lose 20 lbs. Okay, so I know I said I wouldn't add anything that has to do with weight loss BUT 20 lbs is doable.
-Tone down my natural overbearing nature. I can take an idea and RUN with it!
-Send missionary care packages once a month.
-Be nicer to my sister. Gotta stop clowning that girl! Y'all know! LOL
-Attend SAC mtg more often. I skip sometimes and make it in time for Sunday School. ---Last but not least...stop being so SHY! Urgh! It's hard to believe BUT I have a hard time approaching people that I don't know which leads them believe I'm stuck up. I had such a hard time with this when I was younger! It's getting better...slowly but surely. :-)

So that's it! Let's see if I can make this happen next year!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Big Boy is 7!

I can't believe it's been a whole 7 years! It went by so quickly yet he's so completely part of every aspect of our lives that I can't even imagine what it was like without him. Obviously I remember when he wasn't here but I just can't imagine feeling fulfilment without his existence. My Papa man-Kineleti Nisa is 7 years old today.

Papa was the introduction into parenthood for both Siua and I. My poor baby had to train us. While at the time I knew I was doing what I thought was best for my son, now I cringe at the thought of some of the things I chose to do. It's funny how your memory allows you to look back at yourself and wonder "What the heck was I thinking?" I didn't make any mistakes that a normal new mom wouldn't make. But after spending 7whole years with Papa and with the addition of my other kiddies, I can't help but look back and wish I could change a thing or two.

I had the HARDEST pregnancy with Papa! No joke! There was constant morning sickness which led to several hospitalizations because of dehydration; gall stones which led to surgery half way through the pregnancy; hard financial times because I was so sick that I couldn't work and the worst to top it all off - the unexpected death of Siua's dad just 2 months before my due date. Talk about a roller coaster ride! With the addition of raging hormones I was a hot mess. A rambling, crying, gagging, dehydrated hott mess of a prego lady. I swore through it all that I was never having another baby.

Then, December 13Th came. I wasn't due until the 23rd so I wasn't expecting it to be an eventful day. We spent several hours of that afternoon walking up and down union square in SF window shopping and looking for Christmas gifts. I had back pain but after enduring 9 months of every other kind of pain, that was manageable. After getting home and laying down for bed my water broke. At first I didn't even know what was happening. I called Siua to get the car, called my mom and sister to let them know, then we rushed to Alta Bates.

In the labor and delivery room they wheeled me up while I was in the worst pain. I kept telling them how bad it was and being that I was a "first timer" they told me to relax because I had a long way to go. Just as soon as the nurse came in to check they rushed me into a room after realizing that I was already dilated 9cm. Even in all that pain I still felt like saying "HA! Moded, I told you it was bad." LMBO Before my mom, Kris or anyone else could arrive, my Papa was born just an hour after my water broke. My little man gave me the easiest labor and delivery to make up for the brutal 9 months. :-) He was originally going to be named Joshua (we even have a card from Nia who visited us in the hospital and she addressed it to "Baby Joshua Nisa" lol) but because Papa was the first grandson and he was born 2 months to the day after Siua's dad died, Siua's aunty Meta named him after his grandpa, Kineleti Nisa.

Ever since then he's been an absolute breeze! Just the sweetest most kind hearted little human being. He surprises me all the time with his little quirks because it's completely unexpected from someone so young. I don't want to ramble on and on because I know it can get annoying. I don't want to be that parent that talks endlessly about how great his/her child is. But I will say that it has been such a pleasure to be a mommy to Papa, Joshy and Luvie. I couldn't possibly have done as much for him as he has done for me in these short years. I love him more than he will ever know- endlessly, unconditionally and whole heartedly. My baby is growing up and I couldn't be more proud of him already.

Snapshots of my Papa Man

Friday, December 10, 2010

I need a camera!

Like seriously bad. I haven't had my own camera in who knows how long. Luckily for me, just about everyone in my family has one so I've been able to get by. I think it might be time to invest in a good one of my very own.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bucket List 2011

Yup, I've decided I'm going to create a bucket list. I'm not sure if that's even accurate considering I don't plan on "kickin' the bucket" but I don't like saying resolutions because in the past, those haven't worked out as well as I would have liked. Hello, have you seen me in a size 14 this year? Yeah, that was last years resolution. LOL But more importantly I'd like to focus on what I am doing instead of knocking myself for what I don't do.

Last Sunday night I was up a little late making goodies to send off to Elders Faaumu and Tuihalangingie. It was then that I decided I should make it a more regular thing to give goodies to good people. It doesn't have to be just the elders! Everyone should get a care package every once in a while. Those of you who are lucky enough to be in my contacts (LOL @ lucky!) know that several times a month you get a "giveaway" text. This month I have been the buziest baking beezy (LOL) so there are more than just the occasional giveaways. I bake TONS of things TOO OFTEN and no one in my house needs, wants or should finish it all! So I simply give it away. Sometimes it's to the first person who replies. Other times it's to the one who can answer a question or list whatever random thing I've asked. Whatever the case, it's the act of giving that I enjoy. So regular GIVING is for sure going to be on next years list. (Side note-If you're not on my contacts, send me your number!)

In March of this year I decided I was going to "Pay it Forward" to people randomly each month. It didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but I managed to get a few things out. I'm going to continue that in 2011 and see if I can do a better job at meeting my deadlines. I'm not going to reveal all of my plans just yet. Instead I'll save it and go for a dramatic effect in the end. ;-)

I'll think more about what to put on next years bucket list and post it before this month is up. I'm open for suggestions too! I SOOO need some self improvement! I'm excited to dive in and shake things up. Once I think more about a list I'll post it. Until then - HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

My FAVE holiday card to date-

Monday, December 6, 2010

Our New Friend

I'm not an animal lover. It took a whole lot of begging from my boys to allow this one. But I am a fan of our friend Lily. She's a new "family member" and she's a little sweetheart so far! I have to admit, I love the picture but I couldn't help but to follow my "Awwww how cute" with "What is Lily doing on my bed!?" LOL.
Luvie and Lily

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bitter? Jealous? Envious? HONORED.

This Saturday my brother had the opportunity to experience something that I have yet to encounter. Markybo received his endowments and entered into the Oakland temple. While I knew I was endlessly proud of his accomplishments, I couldn't help but shake the feeling of being inadequate. I am the oldest of all of my siblings and to date, four of the younger ones have been able to make their way into the temple. I've been there to hear about how much peace they find and how spiritually uplifted they are. But for some reason, I'm just not ready.

When Mark began taking temple classes I was approached about taking the same classes along with him. For the first time, I started to think about actually doing it! The thought of experiencing something so huge for the first time with my little brother was kinda cool. It was either do it now with Markybo, do it alone or wait another couple years to see IF Siua would ever get to the point of taking that step. It was a lot to think about! In the end I decided that even if it meant that I would be alone, I would do it on my own time. It's not something I could rush into. I'd like to believe that once I enter into the temple I will have a solid understanding of my beliefs, unwavering faith and a firm grasp on my testimony of the gospel. That I would be strong enough to withstand all of the temptation that would come my way. I know it's coming, but I'm just not there yet.

So I went along with my "outsiders" crew - sisters Jigz, Salomay and Lani. Thank goodness for them! We waited anxiously for a few minutes and smiled proudly with the camera in hand as the "insiders" made their way out. After I hugged my little brother and congratulated him, I realized that there was no reason to even question myself and why I happen to be one of the "late bloomers". I'm HONORED to be able to participate in celebrating the accomplishment with all of my siblings. Then when it's time, I'll be there and lucky for me because by then I'm sure EVERYONE can come inside too! LOL

Snapshots from that morning at the Oakland Temple.
Purple was the color of the day. LOL
Joshy was the only one of my kids who woke up early enough to attend
MarkyBo coming out.
George, Me, Markybo and Bill
Markybo and LJ who also got his endowments that day. They are both leaving for their missions soon.
Marky Bo, Bishop Fonua and LJ
Me and my "oldest" child. LOL
LJ and his Mama Seni
Kris coming out.
The parentals with Vita Kioa
They had their own private photo shoot. LOL
One of my FAVES! Told you it was a photo shoot. HA!
Group Flic!
Gotta love the two besties.
The "outsiders" table. LOL

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sweet November

It's hard to imagine that the entire month is over! It was so BUSY! Just nuts! But I'm sure that's what added to the fleeting feeling of November 2010. I picked up a 2nd job at Old Navy as part of one of my "Always wanted to try that" things. Let's just say it's a lot harder than it looks! I'm only on the roster until the end of the holiday season so I'm going to ride it out until then.

The early weeks were jam packed with YW in Excellence for Jigz and Audrey's birthday planning. Then came this years Thanksgiving pie sales and the actual Thanksgiving holiday. Whew! Now that it's reflection time, I'm pretty proud of everyone for the way things came together at EVERY event! As with most things, not one person could do it alone. I wish I could've blogged about each event individually. But since I couldn't, I'll lay it all out right here. LOL To spare you a weeks worth of reading, I'll give you more pictures than descriptions. :-)

First things first - YW in Excellence

This is one of the value display tables. They all looked so nice!Some of the girlsJigz family tree chartHer actual TreeThe pot for her "tree" it was nice!
I enjoyed the program and I'm sure it was a boost to get the girls working on their personal progress.

That very weekend was Audrey's party. What a "SWEET" get together that was! I'll spare you all of the millions of pictures because you can view them on FB. But here are just a few so you get the overall idea. I LOVED the theme and thanks to sissy Salomay and good company from Tasha and Sia (who were working on the candy decorations) the cake ended up looking pretty good! Of course it was a team effort lead by Audrey's mama Tasha to get everything up and ready so kudos to all the sissy's who worked together to make it happen for our Audrey Love.

Lollipop and Gumdrop centerpiecesAudrey's "Sweet Factory" Candy TableAudrey and her Mama TashaGumball Machine FavorsBirthday Cake

Then came the pie making for the Elders and their pie sale. It was some work! Thank goodness the boys were actually really helpful! Maybe a little more than I expected. LOL Eric and Hola came to help so with 4 guys total we were able to get all 90 pies cooked in just under 20 hours. We started Tuesday morning at 10am and topped our last pie at 4:30am. They're some GOOFBALLS! But what do you expect with that many dorky guys? LOL I'll add a few extra pics here because they asked me not to upload to FB. LOL They raised over $700!!! Not bad!

Prepping banana cream pieOnly GUYS would think to do an egg shotGROSS!Peach Cobbler before bakingBanana CreamAll wrapped and ready to go!Cook that puddingChocolate, Coconut and Banana CreamEven Luvie HelpedAssembly Line Time!Their very first pickups! Thanks Ni and Kalo!!!Cool guys got me a gift to show their appreciation! Sweet right? Well Osi is the one who actually got it before heading over the day they delivered all their pies. It was lipgloss and a cute bag - they know me too well!

After all that baking came the random shots. LOL They were such dorks BUT it helped to keep things lively at 4am.

Hola doing the pose that he says girls do all the time. LOL
They're re-enacting a pose we did with the girls like 10 years ago.CHEEZY!!Osi showing off his apronPeace signs and pucker lipsEric showing off his heart.I joined the fun every once in a whileHola scaring the turtle pie LOLMarky Bo is a cool guy What time is it?!?!What are you guys teaching my baby!?!?!

And FINALLY it was Thanksgiving day! Original plans to combine with the entire Unga clan fell through because of just how DEEP everyone is. So instead of a HUGE thanksgiving we had our regular BIG one with the tradition of lighting xmas lights after dinner. Food was good, company was good and sleep was the BEST! LOL Nia and her little family came by too but we didn't get any fliccs! Here are a couple Thanksgiving day shots no descriptions needed.:-)

Overall this November was jam packed with FUN! I enjoyed every minute of it and most importantly I'm THANKFUL for those who make life exciting and worth all of the struggles that come. I couldn't imagine things any other way.