Thursday, March 1, 2012

Highlights - Feb 2012

I saw a tweet today regarding HIGHLIGHTS of February from the one and only Miss Kulu ( or @yummmmmmmmmy) and thought it was a cute idea! Why not put a little spotlight on the things that stuck out in a month. It's so easy to let the little things float away with time. I figured in order to help myself remember the small, simple things, I'd do a little monthly highlight myself via blogs! So here's my very first "highlight" blog.

February 2012 Highlights
-Courtney's Baptism and the blessings of her twins Taylor and Tabitha. What a sweet weekend! It was so nice to see my lifelong friend become a member of the church and bless her daughters in this great gospel! She's still beaming.
-Salomay's house warming. Girls who are like sisters, Games and FOOD!!! Need I say more? Super happy for my sister boo and her new digs!
-Siua's trip to Vegas. That guy was BEAMING! He had a blast and he totally deserved it!
-Work, work and more work! I started at Hercules Technology in PA. First time working in Palo Alto and so far, I love it!
-Boys started at Boys and Girls club and they are really enjoying the after school activities and structure. I love hearing their sweet stories about what new things they did.
-Luvie is STILL potty training! When will it stop? After this experience I can confirm, boys are ten times easier than girls! My sweet face is doing a good job though.
-Valentines day! Nothing better than a whole day to celebrate LOVE. Watched Safe House with the hubs and had dinner at King Fish with Tangi and Vita Kioa after. Good times!
-Papa is LOVING piano with Connie! She's such an amazing teacher.
-We performed an indian number at our ward conference. It was fun!
- FHE with the extended Oakland fam is always a treat! We decided we're going to do it once a month from now on.
-I officially hit the 30lbs mark for my weight loss. THANK GOODNESS!!

On to March it is! I can't wait for all of the fun things this month has in store for my little family! I can't believe we're into the end of the first quarter of 2012!

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