Thursday, March 29, 2012

I needed her more than she needed me.

I had just turned 26. For my big birthday weekend I spent two full days out partying. I mean big bash, dinner with fam, drinks with friends, dancing, out until the sun comes up kinda partying. I even happened to run into Miss Kulu at Glow in San Mateo that weekend. She can testify to how much FUN I was having. ;-) I had a BLAST and I thought there wasn't anything else I would have rather done as I ventured into life in my "late" 20's.

Life went on as usual and 5 days later my niece Kylee was born. I totally remember it like it was yesterday. Still glowing from the weekends events, my sisters and I set out to find some cute GIRLY things for our FIRST sweet niece! Something we hadn't ever had the pleasure of doing since our family was blessed with all boys before her arrival. It was fun!

After visiting Ky, we went home and then I felt it. I don't know how or why, but I knew it. I was pregnant! It was crazy that I found out the day Ky was born and I'll always remember that. Made the usual rounds and told all the sissies and mi madre. It was official and I was excited!

The pregnancy was an easy one compared to the others. I was sick and couldn't keep anything down, ended up being "bedridden" and forced to stay off of work for months. But NOTHING compared to the craziness with Papa and Josh. It felt normal EXCEPT that during every ultra-sound we couldn't figure out if it was a girl or a boy! Doctor Bauhmik joked that the baby was shy, my mom said she knew it was a girl cause she was being "lady like" and not showing off her goodies. LOL Whatever the case, the sex of the baby was completely unknown all the way up until the delivery day.

I had to have a c-section because of a prior c-sec with Joshy. No fun BUT I did enjoy the idea of knowing EXACTLY when I should expect the babies arrival. I was ready. Then SHE came. March 26th. Just Siua and I were in the operating room and the nurses and doc all let Siua announce the sex of a baby. My sweet baby girl. I can't lie, my initial reaction was "dang it!" LOL I wanted all boys. Always have. But there was something so sweet and precious about a little girl. Something that I'm sure I needed to soften me up. I had a name already picked out. Mackenzie Rene. My sister Lani and I were looking over cute uncommon girl names and decided that one was super cute AND had cute nickname potential (such a ME thing). Rene is my sister Kris's middle name. After a few days we were out of the hospital and at home.

The boys adored her. Joshua is her everlasting fearless bodyguard. I'm sure he'll keep her in check when I'm not around. Papa is such a nurturing and patient big brother.

It wasn't until later on that I realized what this precious spirit was going to do for our family. I had been going to church semi-regularly but only staying for sacrament meeting. I wanted my boys to get used to the feeling of attending church on Sunday but thought they were too young to really understand. Obviously I had other priorities and remaining active in the church wasn't one of them. My kids were all blessed right after birth so Mackenzie was no different. After she was blessed by Fekita on the first Sunday of May, I thought things would just kinda fall back into place. Boy was I wrong.

A small turn of events led me down a path that I will be forever grateful for. Starting with Mackenzie's blessing. That Sunday I was heading out after Sacrament meeting and walking to the car. I took the usual route and went downstairs in order to make my quick exit to the parking lot. Just as I was about the turn the corner I saw Lucy (Faaumu) standing in the doorway to what was then, Lavina's Sunday School class. She saw me heading out and said "You're not coming to class? Lavina's really good!" to which I replied "Nah, I'm out. I ain't trynna sit there with my kids making noise. LOL" with that wise crack, I was out. No hesitation. I thought about it though. All week long actually. So the very next Sunday I decided I would actually go to Sunday school class. It had been YEARS since I'd stayed for the whole 3 hours of church. Figured it would be good for the boys too.

During my first Sunday "back" I couldn't help but cry real tears during Sunday school. Lucy was right. Lavina was an amazing teacher. She found a way to make the lesson, whatever it was, hit home. She did it time and time again. One Sunday after another. My interest grew, my faith grew and little by little right in that class Mackenzie grew! She was my little symbol of how much spiritual growing I was doing. I knew that she was only a month old the first time I stayed for Sunday school so as I saw her reach her little milestones, I found myself reaching some of my very own. It because of her sweet spirit that I was even at the chapel in the first place the day that Lucy mentioned Sunday school. She had so innocently, being the youngest of us all, placed our family on the track of spiritual progress. I couldn't be more humbled by the experience.

Happy Birthday Luvie Luvs. You blessed us all before you even knew the power of a blessing. I love you. Endlessly and Unconditionally.

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