Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Wow! It's been several weeks even a full month since the last time I blogged. Soooooooo much has changed but we'll get to that later. More importantly, today is Valentines Day!!! Oh how I LOVE an entire day dedicated to LOVE! I've said it before and if you know me it's pretty obvious that I'm not a PDA kinda gal. I keep my love and affection behind closed doors. ;-) My poor hubby is super sensitive and affectionate so sometimes he says I'm "cold" for my lack of mushy-ness. But today is valentines day and I have been lucky enough to be married to my hubby for 10 years this year. So I think it's about time he gets a special shot out.

One of my little sisters asked me recently how it's possible to be with someone for so long and still continue to be interested in one another. I felt like it was a question that I couldn't answer because I have no clue! 10 years seems long, but in the grand scheme of things it's just the tip of the iceberg. What I do know is that I couldn't have been blessed with a more perfect match.

This past weekend Siua had the opportunity to go to Vegas for the Rugby 7's with his brother and cousins. I had no interest in going and since he's never really gotten the chance to have a "Guys Getaway" I thought it was a good idea for him to go. My poor babies cried real tears the night their dad left. He was only going to be gone for 3 full days but since he had never really gone anywhere for an extended period of time they took it extra hard. It was bittersweet to watch them get teary eyed when they said their goodbyes. It took forever to convince them that we had a fun weekend planned and dad would be home in no time.

I tried to entertain my babies over the weekend with fun things to keep their mind off of the fact that their dad was out of town. I had the hardest time! No matter what fun activity we did, they continued to ask "how many more days?" and "can we call daddy?". Man that guy has some hard shoes to fill! From the day each of our kids were born, Siua has managed to build a strong bond with them individually. Thanks to his sweet surprises and the time that he dedicates to making them happy, all three of our kids are majorly attached to their dad. Needless to say, they made it through the weekend and Siua was home by Sunday night.

After reflecting on the days we spent apart, I realized exactly how lucky I am. Not only is he an amazing and inspiring Dad, Siua is endlessly supportive of all of the things that I take on. While he isn't Mormon himself and has his own reasons for why he hasn't converted, he still continues to allow me to take our children to church and even joins because he believes that as a family, we should be at church together on Sundays. I'm constantly volunteering to help with different tasks at home, work and church without thinking twice about how I'm going to juggle it all because I know I have his help. Whether I'm on the move with a random project or trying out something new he's never once complained about having to deal with my random things. In the entire time that we've been married he's called me the same thing, no matter how much weight I gained or lost, whether I was all dressed and ready to go out or just waking up in the morning, while the hospital bed for whatever reason or just hanging out at home, Siua has always called me "Beautiful". He's never used any other mushy name or loving phrase and over time I've grown used to it. So much so, that I forget how simply sweet it is.

I'm not an easy person to live with, I admit it. At times my mom asks Siua how he could possibly deal with my strong personality, neat freakyness, loud mouth and strong will for so long. LOL I'm lucky. I realize that and I couldn't be more grateful for the loving husband, best friend and patient father that is the head of our family.

Happy Valentines Day cool guy. Enjoy your shot out for now, it's back to private business tomorrow. <3


  1. Hi Ane! I really like this blog, especially now that i have a different point of view from someone else. My hubby always asks me if he can go places with his cousins and i always stop him just because. Now after reading your blog about letting Siua go to Rugby Sevens, i think i can come around to letting hubby go out once in a while with his cousins even if its just to faikava! lol. Overall i like your blogs and how it has given me a different perspective on life! BTW, hope you dont mind me following!

  2. Your blog keeps getting better with each one I read lol.. Love it!
