Friday, December 16, 2011


-We turned 21!
-Attended my very first concert, Siua had gone to one before.
-Found out that I had gall stones.
-Siua and I actually saved and bought a car with ONLY our money.
-Went in and out of the emergency room 27 times because of Gall Bladder pains.
-I had an emergency Gall Bladder removal surgery which was my very first surgery.
-My brother Rich left for his mission.
-My cousins Ginger and Harold returned from theirs.
-Siua lost his father. (10/19/03 R.I.P. Kineleti Nisa)

Yup, ALL of these major events occurred between the time I found out I was pregnant with Papa and the time he was born. Needless to say, my pregnancy was a stressful and difficult one. Most especially after the loss of Siua's dad. After having emergency surgery at just 4 months pregnant and suffering through my entire first tri-mester because of gall bladder pains, the sudden passing of the head of Siua's family made me feel as if all of my past months troubles were a breeze. Kineleti had a major stroke and passed away suddenly on the morning of October 13th, just 6 days before Siuas 21st birthday. I was 7 months pregnant.

Two months later, my sweet baby boy was born. Siua's Auntie Meta was in town because of Leti's funeral and she was due to leave at the end of that week. Our Papa came 2 weeks early on December 13th. EXACTLY two months to the day that Siua's dad passed. He was due Christmas Eve and Siua's auntie was convinced that he was born on that day for a reason. She named him Kineleti Mt. Eden Nisa, after his grandfather and his final resting place. He got his nickname "Papa" after Isabel (Gos and Isa's daughter who was the only grandchild before Papa) asked Siua what the babies name was. Siua replied with "Kineleti" and Isabel said "That's Papa!" meaning her Grandpa's name. Her innocent 2 year old response stuck. :-) Papa must have known that his parents were tired and drained because after 9 long hard months, he made his grand entrance into this world after a short 52 minutes of labor. We couldn't have been more in love and he couldn't have come at a more perfect time. It was the hardest most trying time for his dad and he couldn't possibly know it, but we needed him more than he needed us. I'm convinced that my short and sweet labor was a small indication of what a sweet tempered, mild mannered boy we were blessed with. He was such a mild tempered, easy baby and he has proven to be just as easy through his childhood so far. He never hesitates to help and he's always anxious to learn new things. He and I happen to share a love of baking and cooking which is so exciting for me. My Papa man couldn't be any more perfectly built to be the oldest of my children and I can't believe he turned 8 this week. It's crazy how time flies!

Happy Birthday Papadapalous. I love you more than you know Papa man! Endlessly and Unconditionally. <3

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