Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Oh My Goodness"

It's so funny how quickly kids catch on. Sometimes it's not so funny when you find them repeating something that you wish their sweet innocent ears never heard. I was lucky enough to catch my Luvie in a candid moment when she was singing what I've learned is her favorite song. If you know Mackenzie or have been around her enough, you know she's pretty timid and shy. I had to pretend I wasn't recording and you'll notice she asks at one point "What's that mom? A picture?" before going right back to Spawnbreezie lala land. Thanks Lomes for clarifying cause I'm so cool that I thought it was Josh White who sang this! LMBO

Please excuse the poor recording and angle. I could have edited it but didn't want to miss a single second of it. ;-)

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