Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello Dr. Parker!

This past week I had the pleasure of taking all three of my kids to appointments with their new doc. We recently switched over to Foster City Pediatrics and so far I.LOVE.IT. It may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but finding a good doctor is a huge deal to me. Being a Kaiser baby myself, I always stuck to that with my kids. Imagine my surprise when I found a place that I love more!

Three separate appointments scheduled on 3 separate days, 12 shots (total)and one finger prick test later, we're all settled in with our new doc! He's already memorized the kids names, nick names and ages. To my surprise, he somehow managed to get Luvie to say a few words to him. Either that girl is really coming out of her shell or he's a true pro. Whatever the case, Dr. Parker is a perfect fit for this family and I'm excited to continue down the path to happy HEALTHY kiddoes!

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