Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh how I wish I had more TIME!!!

But don't we all? This new school adventure is really hard to get used to. I'm enjoying it all so far but the balancing act is a little difficult and I've found that I have to forfeit many of the fun, dorky hobbies I used to occupy my time with. Maybe taking a month break after work and before school wasn't the best idea. I got spoiled with all the free time!!!

It's something to get used to but I'm sure things will fall into place. I picked up a part time job to help "lighten the load" at home. Most especially because the holidays are coming up and we all know how crazy that can be. But I'll also just come right out and admit that I couldn't be more excited about working at Torrid. I'm a shopping JUNKY as it is so having a discount at one of my fave stores is icing on the cake. :-)

I'm just getting into the swing of things but for most hours during the week, my view looks a lot like this. ;-)

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