Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Super Cheezy Oooey Gooey Garlic Bread

Remember how I promised that food would be yummy, but never said anything about it being all that great for you? This is one of the things that should be placed on the top of the yummy list but waayyyyy at the bottom of the "Good for You" list. We don't have it that often because of that reason, but when we do it never lasts very long! It's usually served with one of our favorite pasta dishes, but this is something I wouldn't mind having all by itself.

I don't know very many recipes that are easier than this. The ingredients are usually things we already have in our fridge.

Mix 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese with 1 cup of mayo. Add a healthy teaspoon of minced garlic and stir it all up.

Spread the cheesy mix onto one loaf of french bread sliced the long way. Finish off with by sprinkling some parmesan cheese.

Bake at 350 for about 5 minutes and then switch to Broil for another 3-5 minutes. Watch closely because it can burn quickly when you're broiling. You'll notice mine got a little extra toasty on accident. ;-)


  1. ohhh my!! this looks to die for... i have a good recipe too

    take the bread, butter it then put mayonaise and then parmesan, broil and just watch till it is brown. YUM YUM!!!

  2. p.s i am going to try this tasty thang!

  3. Isn't it good star? And SOOOO bad too! LOL

    Do it Mare! I'm gonna try yours too!
