Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I've run into a small issue with my laptop so I can't get to pictures. :-( For now, my 30 day challenge has been put on hold. No biggie though. The blog must go on! HA!

It's official, I'm counting down the days until my last day of work at Meyers Nave. I put in my two months notice today. Yes two MONTHS! I love the people here and I decided that I would be nice and make sure not to burn any bridges by giving them sufficient notice. My last day is May 20th. While I enjoy my job most of the time, the truth is that I'm not really passionate about it. There are so many things that I love and for years I've talked about going back to school in hopes of finding a way to incorporate the things that I am passionate about into something that will pay off in the long run. So I'm ready to take a leap of faith.

I'm enrolling in school for the summer semester and I'm going to move in a whole new direction. I'm sure that it's going to be tough. I'm confident that my family will persevere and get passed the struggles that are to come. I'm ready to face the challenges in hopes of making a living doing something that I LOVE one day. That is the ultimate dream for most right? Here goes nothin'!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome is this Ane?! Way to go girl! I'm so happy you've decided to go back to school, it'll be hard, but completely worth it! love love love you all!
