I haven't blogged in almost two weeks! Not cool. My laptop is gone and being fixed. I can't wait to get it back. So for now I'm back and forth between every room in the house stealing precious time on different computers that don't belong to me. How annoying for everyone! LOL
I also haven't been at work very much lately. I've been dealing with an annoying health issue which I originally thought was arthritis. Now that it's been over two weeks and what feels like a million tests I finally feel like we're starting to get to the bottom of what's going on with me. Urgh!
I woke up with swollen wrists and ankels a few weeks ago. I thought it was just a random reaction to something new but it wouldn't go away. After taking several blood tests that ruled out the most obvious and scary conditions (high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, heart disease, etc) my doc referred me to a rheumotologist who suggested I take a chest x-ray. Cha-CHING! They're finally starting to get to the root of the problem. I stil have a few more tests and a minor procedure to do before I know EXACTLY what's going on but at least now I feel like I have an idea of why I'm swollen and in pain sometimes. Whew! I'm confident that things will be back to normal soon and I pray that this won't be a lifelong issue.
While it's a huge pain, I do enjoy the time I'm able to spend at home with my kids, hubby and siblings. It's nice to "slow down" for a little while. I'm also so grateful that I'm getting this taken care of before I start school and while I still have decent health insurance.
If nothing else, this is a good life lesson. I need to learn to appreciate the small things (like walking without pain!) that are so easy to take for granted. Now that I've learned the lesson already, can I please be back to normal now? LOL
Oh Wow, I had no idea you were going thru all of this! Hope you get better ane! I'm not a baker but if you need any edible pick-you-uppers, I can try to do sumin in da kitchen! LOL! GET WELL SOON Missy!