Sunday, January 9, 2011

That's it!

It's official, I'm going to do all that I can to make lunches for my kids from now on. I'm sure I'll slip up and end up allowing them to eat "hot lunch" at school every now and then but at least it won't be everyday.

I came across this blog a few months back and posted it on FB. It's maintained by an educator who pledged to eat school lunches for one whole year in order to see what kinds of effects the food has on her body. It's horrible! Similar to the McDonalds project done a few years back. She includes pictures of her lunch from everyday as well. I was disgusted! I felt bad about picking and chosing what I ate for lunch while my kids were forced to eat vile distgusting looking food some days. So, depending on what's served for "hot lunch", I'm going to pick and chose when I allow them to eat at school from now on.

I'm sure they'll be upset on days when they want to simply eat what everyone else is eating. But I'm also sure that they'll thank me later.

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