Friday, January 28, 2011


I read this quote today and posted it on FB. I don't have to elaborate cause it speaks for itself. I.LOVE.IT.

"I once read 'blood is thicker than water'. In today's world, after all of the advancement, we realize that often times the blood of another can save ones life. If you think family consists of only those who share your bloodline, you're sadly offering a swift slap to the face of one who would give the last of what they have for your happiness."

I didn't grow up with everyone who I call family. But I know that I couldn't live without them all even if I tried. Life has a funny way of making certain things fall into place. It's all part of a greater plan and I would be foolish to question something that I have no power over. I will say that I'm lucky in more ways that I can count.

1 comment:

  1. LOL at non-blood relatives OF COURSE Starry! You are one I just can't do without! :-) And YES to the Malapo side cause thanks to you it's MALIBU! LMBOOOOO
