Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Good Old Coconut Bars

I was maybe 6 years old when I recall having my very first coconut bar. I probably tasted it long before but I was too young to remember. I didn't even know what to call it but it came in a big box during Christmas week just like every year before. There were a ton of other homemade goodies (peanut butter fudge, chex mex, nougat etc.) but the sweet coconutty treat stood out just as much then as it does now. It was my FAVORITE.

My great-grandmother MaMaw sent us the box of goodies she made from scratch every year at Christmas time. I didn't even know her real name until I was in my teens. She's from the South and we only called her MamMaw. Apparently, the nick name came about because her grandchildren, my mom included, couldn't pronounce "Grandma" when they were young.

I never really got to spend as much time with her as I would have liked. When I was young, I specifically remember that I looked forward to the $10 check she would mail on every birthday. The first check I ever cashed was from MamMaw. She passed away when I was a teenager. But now that I'm older, I know that we would have gotten along great. We share a love of baking and I'm positive that she is one from whom I inherited that love.

Sorry the picture is so small, this is the only one I have. It's me all the way to the right. You can barely see me sitting on the couch next to MamMaw. My mom (in the center holding Rich), my Nana (left) and my MamMaw (right).
I'm lucky to have been surrounded by some of the most amazing cooks. My aunties Tala and Lea make some of the BEST dishes I've ever had. My auntie Tala especially bakes the most dilectable Tongan desserts. It's this group of women (of course my madre included) that I draw inspiration from.

So this one belongs to my MamMaw. An old recipe that hasn't ever been changed because it's THAT good!

Monday night I decided to whip up a batch because we hadn't had them in a while. Mark's girlfriend Hannah was over for dinner and offered to help so I asked her to make them for me. With quick directions Hannah made it happen for our coconut bars. Maybe that's a sign that she is meant to be a part of our family. LOL While Hannah worked on the bars, Lani, Tasha and I worked on dinner. It was a group effort and we ALL enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy it too!

Coconut Bars
4 cups of grahm cracker crumbs (you can buy the crumbs OR crush regular grahm crackers)
1 stick of butter
1 bag of chocolate chips (for our house, I use two)
1 bag of shredded coconut
1 cup of chopped pecans
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
Preheat oven to 375. Put the stick of butter on the bottom of a sheet pan and bake in the oven. Remove the pan once the butter is completely melted.

Sprinkle grahm cracker crumbs over the top of the butter and pat down to create a crust.
Add chocolate chips, coconut and pecans (in that order) spreading over the whole pan evenly.
Drizzle with sweetened condensed milk trying to get it evenly over as much of the pan as you can.
Bake at 375 for about 12-15 minutes. Sometimes I have to leave it in for an additional 2 minutes to make sure the coconut browns just right. Take it out of the oven and let it cool at least 20 minutes before cutting and serving. The longer you wait, the better they hold up. Our batch didn't last very long! LOL
Doesn't it look SO easy?!?! It really is! Which is probably why this is one of the very first things I ever baked.


  1. Yum!!! Love me some coconut bars!!! I havent made them yet or had them in a while!!! Surprisingly!!! All I know is I HAVE to add ALOT of choocolate chips than usual when I make my own batch!!!!!! Once again thanks again for sharing your Goodies & your blessed talents xoxo
    so blessed to have you part of my life :) <3

  2. SALOMAY!!!! You've never made them? They're so easy! Maybe because for a while, that was a "regular" at home so you had them whenever you wanted them. We hadn't had them in a while either so they were KILLED and then Kris and Tash tried to make some the day after but they cooked a little too long. :-( BUT I'm going to be baking like a crazy lady this weekend so stop by for a sweet treat! I HATE that your phone is still lost cause it's hard to contact you woman! LOL

  3. Lmbo!!!! Well that's prob a great thing Im away so Im not scarfing down every delicious unwanted calories for my rock hard solid bod!!!! SIKE!!!!! Yeah I know, tell me about it! Why r u baking this wkend? I thought Mark's program isn't till the 23rd right??? Well, weigh ins are nxt week right??? Sheesh, gives me another reason to stay back then!!! LOL
    And btw, THANK YOU Times a million for the book & the positive book of quotes!!! I love how they go hand in hand!!! I really don't wanna waste the pages in the quotes book, I think I will flip vs tear off each day :) thanks as always for your random act of thoughtfulness!!!! Soooo blessed!!!! Love u & enjoy ur workday busy lady xoxo

  4. I figured it out! We gotta keep in touch with you through BLOG from now on! LOL I'm ready to buy you a phone myself! ;-) Mark's program is the 23rd CHECK YOUR EMAIL hunnay! LOL But I'm baking this weekend because I have a little spare time and I wanted to tweek a couple things. :-)

    And you're very welcome for your book and quotes! It totally reminded me of you and your hubby. I wasn't sure if you knew that there was a part two to The Secret. It's supposed to be a really good read. I was going to right a little note in the book but when I saw Leka pull up I threw it at him without thinking! LOL ooops! But ENJOY my dear! I bought the same quote book to keep at my desk and I feel the same way you do about tearing. BUT I know myself and if tearing off each page at a time means I'll actually read every quote in the book then SO BE IT! LOL

    Love ya more hunnay and check email so I don't have to write the novels that we're famous for on blogspot. LOL

  5. Lmbo!!!! And this is why I need my phone so we can write our long novels thru txts!!! Lol!!! Lol @ throwing the bookb@ Leka! I'm sure he didn't mind ESP if it was a gift uncalled for!!!
    Ok! Whew! I thought u guys changed the dates!!! Will check gmail then!!! Yay for spare times!!! Then u can help me on my little fkamuna crafts too!!! Yay!!!
    Oh cricut, you're perfect for ugly gloomy days like this to brighten my days up!!!!
    Ok sounds goodie xoxo

  6. ahh/ of my favorite treats!! YUM!

  7. omg ane youre gona laugh at me because im that fat!!! So dont ever remember you making these years later, and hello all this time yours are the exact same that my madre makes every xmas..but we call them "magic bars" LOL! ok, i swear yours were just so much thicker and BETTER tho! hehehe. Love ya girl!
