I'm blogging from home for the very first time. I know it sounds a little strange. Most mommies blogs that I've come across belong to lucky ladies who have the luxury of being a stay at home mom. Sounds AMAZING right? Being able to spend almost every waking moment with the people you love most, catering to every one of your family members needs, not having to worry about taking the right days off of work so that you are free for special things like field trips and doctors appointments. Doing all of the things that make every mommy feel like a GOOD mommy.
I struggled with this MAJORLY during my "new mommy" years. Not so much because I COULDN'T be home with my kids but because I didn't WANT to. That should be what every GOOD mommy wants right? That's what I thought. Why was it that after a good month on maternity leave I was longing for some adult interaction? I needed a challenge, not that being a stay at home mommy wasn't a challenge. It was the BIGGEST challenge! It was way more work and a lot less money! Lol but for some reason instead of feeling the warm fuzzies from being with my babies 24/7, I was irritable, bored and unfulfilled. To make matters worse, I HATED the fact that I hated it! Weird right? I wanted so bad to be THAT mom. The one that can balance different schedules, personalities, and rotations all day long with a smile, simple hug and tender discipline. It just wasn't me.
I've come to learn (the hard way) that we are ALL different. Mommies that is. We have different styles and strategies for keeping our most valued and treasured spirits happy, healthy and in line. What works for one may not work for another. Staying at home just did not work for me. I know now that that's ok. I'm the best mom that I can be ONLY if I'm the best ME that I can be. I have to stay true to myself if I want to set an example for my babies.
So I blog tonight at home. Away from my work desk that I've grown used to typing at. At this moment I am especially amazed with all of you stay at home mommies, how in the heck is it possible for you to articulate your feelings regularly with so many interruptions, so much noise and a desk cluttered with crayons!? You are a talented group of women! Kudos!
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