Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Elder Tuihalangingie

FINALLY heard from my cousin Elder Tuihalangingie yesterday. He sounds like he's doing pretty good! I'm super proud of him for making the choice to go on his mission AND it's even sweeter because this year (thanks to his great example) a total of THREE elders in my family have completed their papers. One of those three happens to include my little brother and super closest sibling - Marky Bo. But more about him later. ;-)

So Elder Tui (I'm not typing that last name over and over again, would you? Lol) is doing good in Hawaii!! He says he's SUPER TIRED and has never been so "mentally drained" in his entire life. Sounds pretty rough! But with all of that, he still sounded so committed and eager to do the work. Gotta love HARD WORKING missionaries!

In his letter he also mentioned some sweet goodies he'd like to get his hands on. Now if you haven't heard, I'm the BEST at care packages. ;-) So of course we had to hook that hard worker up! I got the kiddies together and took a few snapshots to send along with our yummy treats. I think it ALWAYS "hits home" when they can actually SEE the items they've been given in the hands of their loved ones before sending them.

The boys had a good time helping and it was hilarious to watch them try to work together on one project while still keeping everything fair. Here are a few of the shots I printed to send off with our goodies.

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