Monday, October 25, 2010

Noooo not yet!!!!

It's about that time! Well, it's actually the week of Halloween. I got a move on things a little late this year because for some reason October 2010 has been EXTRA busy. I usually try to get costumes taken care of during the first week of the month. This year they got picked out just a week before trick or treating. Not cool! Would you like to know what I think is even less cool? My Joshy doesn't want to dress up! There was no spooky character he longed to portray, he had no super hero in mind that he imagined mimicking for just one day, and he even mentioned the fact that he didn't care for the candy either. Not yet Joshy!!! You're not old enough to want to give up on one of the biggest KIDS holidays of the year. It made me sad to think that he could no longer find excitement in something that he used to LOVE.

I started doing what I find myself doing WAY too often, over-analyzing. The thoughts started to pour in. Is my Joshy lacking one of the biggest childlike characteristics - an active imagination? Did one super scary haunted house traumatize him last year? Maybe we shouldn't have taken the kids to the "Halloween Haunt" at Great America (BTW I really didn't realize how SCARY that was going to be!). I just kept trying to think of reasons why he would lose interest so soon.

Then, out of no where, he changed his mind! He asked about pumpkin carving (something we haven't done this year YET yikes!) and then decided he'd be a ninja. What? That was it? Pumpkin carving? WHEW! Looks like someones mama has enough imagination for ALL three of her babies!

This reminds me of how easy it was when I could just pick cute coordinating costumes for them without any worrying or fussing! Don't grow up yet boys!

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