He didn't want to meet with Elders, he wasn't going to entertain the idea of being baptized. It was for him, simply going to church with his family. I was fine with that. I still am. I decided I wasn't going to push anything and I would let the spirit do all the work. So when I was asked about working with the youth, I had to approach him with the information before I could make a real decision. After a discussion about what it would entail, he agreed that it would be good for me and more importantly it would work for our little family.
Needless to say, I LOVE IT! It's a lot of work to try and keep a bunch of teenage girls focused on something that they sometimes find little interest in. It's even harder to try and find a balance between being too nice and too mean. LOL Luckily for me, we have an AMAZING group of girls. They are all so willing to learn and grow. Each one of them holds a desire to be GOOD women. They have helped me and my family in ways that they probably can't even imagine yet. I know in some way it's all meant to be, but I want to put my THANK YOU out there for everyone to see.
Here are a few snapshots from the Halloween dance that Luvie and I attended with the "pink ladies" on Friday. They were all so cute!!!
Miss Dorothy and I before heading out-

Now with Tangi (YW Pres.) and Peau (Counselor)

Now the lovely ladies