Friday, November 7, 2014

Sweet Reminder...

GEEEEEZZZZ it's been a long time! My last update was in January.  I've taken a little bread from social networks, blogging included just to enjoy things as they come.  In a way it was refreshing to not feel the need to post every little detail of every single day.  It's also a little sad! I don't have much to remind me of all the sweet things that I've been lucky enough to experience this year.  I really need to get this blogging thing back on regular rotation. 

Nia sent me a txt message today asking if I had been sent the video recording from my birthday last year.  Her laptop was stolen and she was afraid that all the pictures and videos had been lost for good. I had forgotten all about my birthday video until she mentioned it.  After a quick panic I found that I had uploaded it to YouTube and posted a link on FB.  WHEW! Of course after going through all the trouble to find it, I couldn't not watch it.  I. WAS. NOT. READY.  I'm 7 months pregnant (there's another update for you!) and while I'd like to think that my pregnancy and raging hormones added to my overly emotional response to the video, I know that it was more then just that. 

Soooo much has changed since I first heard the sweet messages my family recorded for my birthday.  There are some family members who I no longer see on a regular basis.  There are a few who have moved far away.  There is one who I will never again get to see in this life.  How sweet it was to think about them all and to hear their voices.  I need to make a better effort to keep track of things like this and to record even more great memories! This video means so much more to me now then it did back then and as the years continue to pass I know it'll get even sweeter. 

For some reason I can't embed the video here....but if you want to watch here's the link -

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