Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yikes! It's 2014

Oh my! I feel like such a slacker! I have so many stories, pictures, recipes...sooooo much that I kept saying I need to share and just didn't actually do it.  I need to be better at this.  But for now here are a few updates -

-I'm back at work! Well, part time.  But I LOVE having two days at home.
-Our family is still in Oakland and we LOVE our Oak 12th Ward and the youth especially.  :-)
-Kids are growin, learning, progressing and talking back! Ahhhh!!!! I'm not ready for that!
-Family is good.  Really good.  We love seeing everyone on a regular basis.  They make me smile.

Let's hope I can be more pro-active and become a regular blogger in 2014. 

Happy New Year!!!

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