Friday, November 12, 2010

Time Flies

Holy cow! I was looking back on pictures and realized that I graduated from high school just over 10 years ago!!! Crazy how quickly time flies! One picture in particular caught my eye. It was a year after I graduated and the same year my parents divorced.
It's really kinda sad when I think about how much was going on at that time. Now that I mention it, this may have been the LAST picture taken with my dad and all us kids. We've gotten together, but there is always someone missing or there's no camera to capture the rare moment.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not "down and out" because of it. At this point I can't even imagine what it was that caused my parents to be drawn to one another. They are polar opposites. Now that I am an adult, I am glad that they took their own separate paths.

It was hard at the time but we're all better because of it. I am the oldest of my siblings and the one who probably remembers the most. From what I can remember, they've never been as happy as they are today. Happiness is ultimately what I want for all of the people that I love.

I just can't believe how quickly it feels like things changed! It all just feels so normal now and thinking about what used to be seems unordinary. It's crazy how things work out sometimes especially when you don't even realize what is good for you.

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