Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've blogged about my little brother Marky Bo and how he is going to leave for the MTC in February. What I haven't mentioned is that my cousin Osi Tupou'ata (George) is also going to leave for the MTC just a week after Mark. He has been called to serve in Brazil. For the past month Osi and Mark have been prepping together while also helping each other to stay on the "straight and narrow" until February. I imagine it's a pretty hard thing for a 19 or 20 year old guy to do. Thank goodness they have each other!

Since they've been riding around and taking care of their daily "errands" they also have the exciting task of dropping me off and picking me up from work every day. It's during these sometimes 40-50 minute rides that we have the chance to talk about all of the things they are dealing with while preparing to leave home for two years. Often times they are making mental lists of things they need to buy or do. Yesterday they decided to create a "bucket list" of things they want to experience before they leave home. When I can, I try to help them cross things off of those lists. Every once in a while it's a serious conversation about what is going to be expected of them and how much hard work it's going to be.

It was a Facebook wall post from Osi yesterday that made me start to think about gratitude. He left a simple message that spoke volumes to me. His post read -

"Just wanted to take time out of my busy schedule to thank you big mama for everything that you've been doing for me I really appreciate it and I know I don't say thank you all the time so here's me sayin' it for all the ones I missed! THANKS ANE! Love ya thanks again."

While it was SUPER nice, it wasn't the actual message that struck a cord with me. It was the fact that I really didn't think I had done anything extraordinary for him. After thinking about it I realized that not only was he thanking me for all the little random things that I did for him over the past couple of weeks, he was thanking me because he knows that I would do anything I can to help him. It's easy to thank someone for small things. Actually, It's easy to thank ANYONE for small things! But you've reached a new level of gratitude for someone when you feel as if you are deeply grateful for having him/her in your life for more than just the tangible things they have to offer.

There are so many people who I am truly grateful for. And like Osi mentioned, I don't thank any of them enough. I've learned that I need to make a more conscious effort to try and show my gratitude to those who I have been blessed to know and love. So THANK YOU Osi for your positive spirit and unwavering dedication to what you know is right. I couldn't be more grateful for the sacrifice from you and all of my brothers who are working in the mission field or preparing to go. I'm even more grateful for the example you are all setting for my boys and our younger cousins.

3 more months to knock out the Pre-mission bucket list!!! Let's see if y'all can make it happen! Just don't forget # 3. ;-)

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