Wednesday, February 2, 2011

See ya later!

It's almost that time! In exactly a week we'll be dropping Markybo off to the MTC. It's so bitter sweet! On one hand I'm glad that we won't really worry about where he is and what he's doing. I'm sure that wherever he is, he'll be taken care of. I can also be sure that my gas will stay where I left it and that the change from bridge toll that I leave in my ash tray will still be there the next time I have to pay $5 to cross the bridge. LOL But I'm bummed that my little brother isn't going to be around for two years. It's a familiar feeling for Mormon families. That mixture of joy and sadness that we all face when a brother, son or uncle goes away for 2 years. We can officially say goodbye to the boy and prepare to welcome a new "man".

I'm delighted at the thought of going to Utah with my whole little Nisa clan on Sunday. My little family has always included my little brother so it's only fitting that we can tag along to see him off. I'm the biggest craft junky dork so I couldn't be more excited about checking out all of the fun trinkets that Utah has to offer! It's the craft capitol of the world! HAHA But more importantly, I'm happy that I have the opportunity to show my support to my little brother who is taking a huge step. He's grown so much already and those who heard his talk at his program know that going on a mission wasn't always his priority. I'm sure he'll do well, I'm positive he'll change at least one life and I'm confident that if the life he changes isn't that of someone in the Philippines it'll be the life of the young man who's leaving us next week. It's the beginning of adulthood for Markybo and since goodbye seems so permanent, "I'll see ya later". :-)

A few pictures from the farewell Sunday. So wish we coulda got a few with the UNGA clan! It was such a HECTIC day!

1 comment:

  1. just got teary eyed, always bitter sweet, you are right! it was so difficult for me to say bye to my bros, but luckily two years went by quick! i love all of you, and the pics with everyone are the best!! GOOD LUCK TO YOUR BROTHER!!!
