Monday, May 4, 2015


YAY for 2015! What started as an effort to post more regularly has sadly turned into the realization that I'm probably only going to post every once in a while.  We are ALWAYS movin! Sports, Work, School, Church, Fam Funtions, FUN functions! We are regularly on the GO! But I love it.  What I don't love is how seldom I post updates on all of the fun things we have going on.  We have a whole new PERSON in our family who has yet to make his blog debut.  Geez!!! But I'm going to try reallllyyyy hard to make a better effort at this.  Time is flying and I want to make sure there is a way for me to go back and savor each sweet memory. 
With that said - Meet our brand new bundle of joy Siaosi Vili Nisa!
Isn't he just a perfect little addition to our family full of big kids?
He brings such a sweet side out of his older siblings. He is going to be 4 months this week and we are excited about each one of his baby milestones. 
We have a lot going on at the moment.  It's baseball season and all three of the big kids are playing which is nice and stressful all at the same time.  We are now living in San Leandro which we LOVE! The big boys will move on into middle school (eeeeeekk!!!!) in the fall and Mackenzie is going into the 1st grade at a brand new school. We have been keepin' it movin' so there are plenty of changes.  Long story short - we are lovin' these little ones and losing our breath (maybe just me lol) trying to keep up with them!