Good grief! I haven't blogged in the longest! I wish I kept up with this as much as I meant to when I first started blogging. I NEED to get better at it because before long, I'm going to be looking back at what I have recorded and I'm sure I'll be wishing I did more. So with that said, here are a few updates.
MOST importantly, Siua and my boys got baptized!!! I can't tell you how much of a blessing this was for my little family. Because we have been married so long, I started to lose hope in Siua as far as the gospel was concerned. He had been through countless discussions and met with so many sets of missionaries but he would never commit. I should've known that this was in the cards all along and Heavenly Father knew better than I did when the time was right for him. Those who know him also know that he's a SUPER devoted dad. He'd do anything for our kids and I'm glad they got to experience it together. In the end, if it was good for them then it was good for him also. Gotta love the guy and his willingness to dive in and make such a huge step. In retrospect, I'm glad he didn't do it years ago. It's helped me to grow as a wife, mother and daughter of God. While I continue to fall short, I now have my very own priesthood holder to help keep things in place.
We moved back to OAKLAND! There's no place like home. We all know the saying and we all know the feeling we get when we're back in our old stompin' grounds. After countless weekend trips and extended stays, we made the move for good. Gma is still around and I want my kids to know her. Not just know that she's gma but to build their own relationship with her. There's nothing like OLD SCHOOL love. They need to know it, feel it and soak it all in! My aunty is ill too and while I have faith that she's going to be around for years to come, I want to be as close to the both of them as I can, while I can. All of my family is in Oakland and it's been nice to be surrounded by them day to day. Church on Sunday is like a reunion and there seems to always be something fun to do on the weekends for no reason. I'm lovin' it and I know Siua is too. Being close to our family has always been important to us. While we miss our many loved ones in Mateo, we're glad that we're just right over the bridge.
June, Mark and Osi are home! I can't believe how quickly that two years flew past! Eric will be here before we know it. I'm so proud of my little brothers for all of their hard work, endurance and faith. I know it wasn't easy. I know that they were tested. I also know that they grew into men while they were gone. It's nice having them home again.
We went through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and so many other holidays since I last did an update. I'm going to try and be better about keeping things up to date. Even if it's a few pictures or a quick video. I know I'll be happy I did one day.