Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm SERIOUS this time!!

Alright folks, I'm SO forreal and I need your help! I have GOT to lose this unwanted extra baggage.  I'm going to be honest with myself, I've never been a skinny girl.  BUT I know for sure that I can get it a little tighter than it is now.  It's time to stop playin' and really stick to it. 

I've been able to diet successfully in the past.  My issue is riding it out until I've reached my goal weight.  I lose a few pounds, clothes start to get loose and I start to get comfortable.  No bueno. 

About a month ago Siua thought it was a good idea to change his profile picture on FB.  Simple enough. No issue there.  UNTIL he decided this throwback pic from a family trip to Hawaii 8 YEARS ago was the way to go.

It's a decent flicc right? I actually don't mind it really.  BUT did it have to BLAST the obvious change in my face for all the world to see?? 

Can't be mad at the pic or Siua for that matter.  It's my very own fault and I need to own it.  If anything, I should be grateful because it was the wake up call that I needed. 

Soooooo, I've included this weight loss ticker here on my blog ----->>> so that I can track my weight and keep things updated.  I'm going to REALLY try to ride this one out for the long haul. 

Now here's what I need from you - do NOT let me forget! If I tweet, update FB or talk about anything that is obviously going to hinder my progress please FEEL FREE to send a subtle hint my way reminding me of the challenge I set for myself.  Easy right? Here goes nothing! I'm hoping to be all slim and slender this time next year.  Ya with me?

On that note - I'm posting a few more motivational pics for myself...just in case I try to forget.  ;-)

Monday, May 21, 2012

I just came across this blog that I think is super cool! is a blog that has several different poly recipes including a few Tongan ones.  I haven't had a chance to really "dig in" yet but I'm just excited that something like this exists! Of course I'm another one of those biased Tongans that thinks my family makes the BEST food.  Everyone has their own way of doing things BUT the idea of someone sharing the basics is pretty dope.  Once you get the basics, you can make it your own! Pretty cool in my opinion.  Especially for those who don't have someone who is a quick phone call away from giving them their best recipe.  I like to experiment so I take things from my aunties and other fam members and tweak them to make them just right for me.  However you like your Tongan food cooked, it doesn't hurt to have someone sharing these Tongan staples for all the world to see!