Monday, May 30, 2011

Lasagna and Garlic Bread

After getting married, Lasagna was a dish that I made at home regularly. It was one of the first dishes I ever learned to make AND it happens to be Siuas favorite. He's such a pasta lover. Over time, I changed the recipe to better suit my family and their super picky taste buds. It's so easy to make homemade lasagna and it's a shame that the frozen store bought "take and bake" pans don't taste good at all. I told you the taste buds around here were super picky. ;-)

So I made this recently and actually remembered to take pictures for my blog. Thank goodness! So here is the recipe along with pictures and directions for super yummy lasagna and yet another kind of garlic bread. Did I forget to mention we're yummy bread lovers? Try it out, it's deelish!

This is what you need to make a big old pan. This recipe can be reduced by half to feed a smaller family.

2 big jars of spaghetti sauce (I usually buy whatever is on sale). If you use the "regular" sized jars, I'd get about 4.
4 pounds of ground beef or turkey
About 6-8 sausages (whatever kind you like, I use Farmer Johns cause they were on sale)
1 tub of ricotta cheese
1 big bag of Monterey Jack cheese
2 boxes of uncooked lasagna noodles

I always start off by boiling water and getting the noodles going. I usually do what everyone else does and season the water with a little salt (I hear it makes it boil faster too) and some vegetable oil to keep the noodles from sticking together. Just boil until they're "al dente" or cooked through with a little "bite" to them.
While the noodles are cooking I start to brown the meat. I just cook it until it's mostly brown and then drain the fat. I also rinse it with hot water. I know it sounds weird, but I hate the flavor of grease! So I leave the meat in the strainer and run a little hot water over it.
I also add some cooked sausage to my lasagna. It adds something to the flavor and makes it a lot heartier. I just chop whatever sausage happens to be on sale and brown it in a big pan.
After the sausage is nice and brown I throw the cooked meat into the same pan I cooked the sausage in along with the spaghetti sauce, ricotta cheese and garlic.
Once the meat mixture is all combined with the ricotta and seasonings I begin to put my lasagna layers together. I always start off with the sauce/meat mix on the bottom of the pan.
After that's spread all around the bottom I add a layer of noodles before adding more meat and then cheese. I continue in that order until all of the meat, cheese and noodles are gone.
The last layer should be cheese. You'll notice that the top layer has some cheddar cheese too. I ran out of Monterey Jack at the end.
Bake at 350 for about 45 mins to an hour. The cheese will be browned and gooey.
Before cutting into the lasagna you should let it sit and cool for at least 20 minutes to make sure your pieces don't slide all over once you cut into it. Once it's set, you should be able to get a good clean piece.
Both Papa and Madre kept me company while cooking and thought it looked super yummy. LOL

Now for the super yummy garlic bread. It's so easy that you can't NOT try it! Here is what you need -
Yup, that's IT along with a little yummy cheese for the top.

Mix the butter and garlic together and spread over the top of the texas toast. I usually just put a single layer on a cookie sheet and then sprinkle the cheese on top.
Throw the whole pan in the broiler (yes broiler!) for about 2 mins (be very careful because when broiling things can burn very quickly). Once you take it out it should be melted and toasty brown.
Now doesn't this look like a yummy plate of food!?
And the best part about cooking? Having a super sweet someone to wash dishes for you! Thanks a million Cha-Cha!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's Official

Today is my last official day with Meyers Nave. I've worked at the firm for over 4 years and loved (almost) every minute of it. I hate goodbyes and long drawn out farewells so I'm sending a simple message and then going my own way. It's bittersweet and I'm so excited for what's to come! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers, Sisters, Friends

Oh how I've missed my cyber journal! I'm happy to say that my laptop should be fixed next week so that I don't have to deal with withdrawals again! Whew!!

This past weekend was mothers day and instead of going the hard/expensive route my sisters and I decided it would be cute to take sister fliccs for mi madre. We've never done it before AND it was cost efficient so why not? They turned out really cute! She got the framed pictures along with an edible arrangement. Fekita got her flowers and chocolate. She was one happy mama! Big thank you to STAR for helping with the group poses.

I was lucky to be treated to an impromptu brunch with Lani, Jigz, Bruh Bruh and the Nemani's. :-) Lani invited everyone out to eat and then Leka paid! Such a "Leka" thing to do. Thanks again Nemani's!!!

I'm so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing women and lovely mothers. Even my younger sisters who don't have children play such a huge role in my kids lives. Each one of my sisters helps to lighten the load a little. I have called on them so many times and I know that if I need them they'll gladly watch my babies, do school pickups, practice drop offs, baths or meals when I am unable to. I've managed to go through hospital stays, long days at work, church events and even date nights with a sense of calm because I know my kids are in good hands with someone who loves them just as much as I do. ;-)

A huge THANK YOU to my sisters who step in and fill my shoes when I fall short. I am forever grateful for you and the love that you have for my babies.